
Technical leader throughout project life cycles with expertise in designing, implementing, documenting, and testing systems in an Agile environment.

Capable engineer who coorperates across disciplines to collaborate with designers and non-technical developers in order to optimize development workflows and enhance overall productivity.

Adaptive problem solver for fluid project scope and requirements with a focus on maintaining the integrity of the overall creative vision.


Unreal Engine 4 Development

Unreal Engine 4 is a suite of integrated tools for game developers to design and build games, simulations, and visualizations.” - unrealengine.com

Unreal Engine is an incredible resource for game and simulation development, enabling cross discipline collaboration in an intuitive environment.

Below are a few of the systems I have work on in various projects, include the development of the upcoming game Eidetus:

  • Replicating values and methods between servers and clients
  • Handling large datasets with associated actor creation
  • Implementing menu and frequently updated interfaces in UMG
  • Streaming and unstreaming multiple levels into the same scene
  • Handling parameter-based particle systems
  • Optimizing character animations of differing priorities

Asana Project Management

Asana helps you coordinate all the work your team does together. So everyone knows what needs to get done, who's responsible for doing it, and when it's due.” - asana.com

Some responsibilities I have handled with Asana are as follows:

  • Organized tasks into weekly releases, dot versioning, and consecutive sprints in an Agile workflow
  • Tracking progress of overall project and active sprints
  • Providing granular subtasks for larger feature sets that may have multiple assignees and due dates
  • Providing clear reproduction steps for issues of varying priority and severity

Gulp Workflow

gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something.” - gulpjs.com

Using a gulp workflow, one can quickly automate a number of tasks into an efficient pipeline.

Below are a few tasks that I have used in the past:

  • Compiled SCSS into CSS with prefixes for all relevant browsers with optional sourcemaps or minification
  • Compiled Nunjucks, the templating preprocessor for HTML, while retrieving a number of JSON files for generating markup via data iteration
  • Handled JavaScript linting and error detection without breaking the build pipeline
  • Provided a live local server for testing development across multiple browsers and devices on the network
  • Monitored changes in development directories for all relevant files to immediately re-execute applicable tasks

In addition, through simple CLI commands an entire project can be up-and-running after downloading the repository from a git hosting platform.

Vue JS Framework

An incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework.” - vuejs.org

Vue portfolio items coming soon!
